Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Purposely “stage managed” Prince Archie’s Birth, Claims Royal Photographer

Published 05/27/2024, 4:00 AM EDT

The day Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the royal frontiers to settle in Montecito, besides the gates of British soil, several other doors closed on the pair. Since then, their lives have been hanging on the rope of controversy, with royal eyes clocking in on every step they take. The unpredictable nature of the conflicts entangled even their children from birth, involving issues related to their royal titles and beyond. But now, the fiery retorts have fallen back on the pair, leaning on their tendency to administer control over everything, including Prince Archie’s birth, as per a royal photographer. 

The photographer’s expert take came in while reflecting on the pictures he had taken of the other royal babies. 

How did Prince Harry and Meghan Markle micromanage Prince Archie’s birth as per the royal photographer?


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In a recent appearance during The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show, photographer Arthur Edwards came for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for reportedly controlling all the nooks and crannies regarding Prince Archie’s birth, even the announcement. He recalled the big day of Prince Archie’s birth, citing how Markle and Prince Harry intentionally “stage-managed” every detail, misleading the media by convincing them that Markle went into labor at two o’clock when in fact the child had already been born. 

This was previously stated in Valentine Low’s Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown. Recalling his extensive tenure as a royal photographer, Edwards reminisced about capturing stunning images of royal infants upon their arrival, save for Prince Archie. He recounted feeling a sense of disappointment, dubbing it "another disaster", knowing they could not photograph him while commending Prince William and Princess Catherine for their concerted efforts in ensuring their baby was shown to the world. 

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The royal photographer was not yet done. He further pointed fingers at the Duke and the Duchess for falsely reporting their intentions for a home birth.

Arthur Edwards fires at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for disinformation on Prince Archie’s home-birth


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During the conversation, Arthur Edwards recalled how they were “led to believe” that Prince Archie’s arrival would be through home-birth when it, ultimately, happened in a hospital. In the biography Finding Freedom, the entire chapter of his birth was written about. It was reported that despite Meghan Markle’s wishes to give birth at Frogmore Cottage in attendance of an all-female midwife team, her dreams were quashed because of an unforeseen circumstance.

Markle had to be rushed to London’s private Portland Hospital instead to deliver the child who weighed 7lb 3oz when he arrived on May 6, 2019. A source told Page Six back in the day that the decisions were as per the doctor’s advice, meaning the parents had no prior hands in stage managing the change as pointed out by the royal photographer. Nevertheless, given that the actions have been misinterpreted, there is a possibility that Markle and Prince Harry will soon address this matter.


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What do you think of the royal photographer's fiery claim towards Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for allegedly stage managing Prince Archie's birth? Let us know in the comments below!



Anushka Bhattacharya

804 articles

I'm Anushka Bhattacharya, an entertainment journalist at Netflix Junkie. Armed with a degree in literature, I once wielded my words to catalyze change within society through my work with NGOs. However, as I stumbled into the exuberant hole of crime thrillers and documentaries on Netflix, it was love at first sight and pushed me into entertainment journalism.

Edited By: Itti Mahajan